Saturday, October 10, 2009

Inspired to Create

Where does inspiration for design come from? Personally I like to collect images, photos and objects which I find interesting and turn to those for inspiration. But what happens when you have hit the wall and can't seem to develop a new idea? What happens when your work seems too predictable? I find myself curious of how established graphic designers manage to develop such innovative work despite the constant demand and expectations.

Stefan Sagmeister, for example, spoke at TED talks on the topic of The Power of Time Off as one of his forms of inspiration. He looks to a yearlong sabbatical every seven years to develop a new creative outlook and to explore interests and ideas. Sagmeister explains his discovery of the beauty of the environment as a source of inspiration during this time off.

It was in his last trip, September 2008, that he visited Bali and allowed his work to be influenced by the highly "craft oriented society". He points out the enjoyment of taking time off as well as the fact that his work becomes not only more financially successful but also personally fulfilling. Most importantly, the pieces developed over the next seven years following the sabbatical all originated out of his one year off.

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